Monday, April 19, 2010

DIY Headboard

Lately I have been dreaming up ways to decorate my new apartment (which I haven't even found yet). It's a great way to procrastinate. Anyway, one of the first things I do when I move in is make my own headboard.

One of my of my biggest inspirations in Tom's (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) chalkboard headboard in the movie 500 Days of Summer. While I am not artistic enough to actually cover a chalkboard with cool drawings, I like the idea. I found this picture which has a blackboard with another headboard on top of it. I really like that idea.

Another cool idea that I saw while browsing the web was the idea of using an old door or mirror as a headboard. It could be pretty cool if I can find an old door or mirror...

Another idea I had was to use fabric to make sort of a padded headboard. It probably wouldn't be too difficult with a thin board and a staple gun. Here are some examples:

This is Serena's bedroom in Gossip Girl. I love how the headboard extends beyond the edges of the bed.
I also thought that I might try to find a curtain/drape/sheet with a cool pattern and just hang that. Maybe on a curtain rod...

Out of everything I saw, though, these two are definitely my favorites. I just love them.